Saturday, September 1, 2007


Listening to: U2 - Where the streets have no name (Vancouver Canucks intro)

Okay so I've going around the internet reading all the comments on how the new look Canuck Jerseys are being received. Josh Plummer who is linked on the right side of my blog has dissed the new look jersey. He isn't happy and so are a few thousand Canuck fans out there.

I believe a lot of Canuckle heads out there wanted just to bring back the Vintage Jersey. The colors were great and the logo was simple. I was hoping but you knew the masses weren't going to get what they wanted. Plus money is needed to be made... and bringing back the vintage jersey would of done nothing profit wise. I can understand that.

But here was my first response to the jersey ... "VANCOUVER!" Why did they have to post the VANCOUVER lettering over top of the logo? Whats the deal? I think a lot of fans around the league know where we are from.

But it's taken me this long to admit that I actually like the dark blue jersey with the lettering of Vancouver on top of the logo.

The canucks are probably the laughing stock of Jersey logos and colors. Remember the hockey skate? The halloween colors? The V? Yah we haven't been consitent or carry any real tradition with the jeresys like Montreal, Toronto, and New York. But I'm going to support the Canucks, ugly jersey or not.


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