Thursday, November 15, 2007

Upchuck the boggie woggie

Well after the vomit attack I had last night. I am feeling a lot better. I really don't know how it happened. Food poisoning? Who knows, but my stomach is feeling a lot better. Lying in bed trying to read was what I wanted to do. But my stomach just started to have these pains. Like a ball of needles poking my insides from all angles. I tried to sleep it off. But I kept rolling in bed trying various positions to ease the pain...

30 minutes later...

I decided to get up and throw up. I got up. Walk up to the bathroom door and I felt this urge. I rushed to turn the light on. I lifted the seat and dry heaved. A minute later... goosh the dragon from my stomach decided to come on out. I haven't puked in a long time. And for good reason I remember why I hate throwing up. It hurts, it makes me tear up and taste of lunch hours ago isn't pleasant either. Now my decision to upchuck my lunch, dinner, snacks etc. open the door to consecutive time going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

I don't want to ever want to throw up again or at least 5 years from now.

1 comment:

Rach said...

ur sensitive stomach mark. how r u? how was the poland ministry. regards to the bruce & needs, john.