Sunday, April 20, 2008


There is so much to blog, comment on and ponder about. So I don't know how this is going to relay onto my blog but I got to try.

Recent happenings...
Well I'm down to my Finals week at school. I've got four finals to go, Hermeneutics, Arts and Culture, 19 century reformation and Sin and Salvation. After this that will have been three years of Bible college with one more year of full courses and one year of internship. I opted to do a internship year without any courses. This will delay my 4 year program and extend it one more year. But if I know myself well enough I know I can't put to much on my plate if I want to do things well. My reflections on the school year? Alberta Bible and Rocky Mountain Bible College connected to make it available for students from ABC to participate on the sports teams at RMC. Some played on the hockey team, others basketball and futsol. It was interesting to see what happened when students ended up on teams. It has been a long time since ABC had students participate in competitive sport. I just hope this can continue for the students and this is moving forward for the community and student body.

We haven't collectively merged with RMC academically, because I believe what we are doing although small are building towards a better learning environment for future students. Tuition's are low, Profs are available when you need them and the influence of transformational learning with the practical side of ABC is something that is hard to find. Ps. We are now accredited.

Those NHL playoffs and the Canucks....
I haven't commented or made any venting public since the Canucks were knocked out of playoff contention and for good reason. The first round of the playoffs are almost complete. Calgary and Montreal are on the brink of elimination. Ottawa put up a dismal effort against the power house duo of Malkin and Crosby. But we all knew Ottawa was out no matter what they did. Canada's hope rest on the shoulders of Iginla and those inconsistent Flames. While in the East Price, Kovelev and the Habs salvage some premature thoughts that 12 straight in the regular season would translate in a easy first round opponent in the Bruins. As I sit and watch the playoffs and I become even more of a hockey fan through and through. I actually sat and watched and cheered for other teams. I found myself cheering for the Capitals and Ducks(and I might have a bias because of some Canuck influence). Watching the talent in Pittsburgh and the trampling of the Sens. How can you not cheer for the Penguins at this point. So much talent and all of it being displayed. Players playing to their potential. I am becoming more of a fan of the game of hockey, if not already.

As I mention players playing up to their potential, I must talk about that team that never did this year. Especially the last 8 games. Don't get me wrong I will and forever cheer for the Canucks. But at the end of the year I have never been so disappointed. I lost hope in my childhood heroes. I remember I cried when they lost to the Rangers in game 7. I saw Mr. Canuck Trevor Linden kneel on one knee tired and in disbelief they had a chance to win it all and now we may never see him play another game. This Canucks team never played up to their potential. They say back and watched teams demoralize them and take advantage of a less than confident team. On top of that David Nonis was fired a week ago or so. I can't comment on whether this was truly a good thing. But I know that at the tradeline the problems team with the lack of offence was not addressed and now Canucks fans are in the waiting room to see whats to come next. Who will the GM be? Who will be traded? Will Linden come back(its not official folks, but it might as well be, but here's hoping one more year)? Does Naslund resign for less and become 2nd fiddle to new blood? Rumors out there have Luongo upset and wants to be traded. I would be upset that my team depends solely on me too. Luongo can do a heck of a lot, but he can't score goals for you. If the rumors are true. I believe it is up to management correct the situation before trying to trade possibly the best goalie in the world at the moment. I will throw this out there. But if the Canucks trade Luongo for anything less than 2 proven offensive players (Heatley, Spezza, Lecavalier, Crosby, Malkin,) and solid goalie and a number one draft pick, I will become a Flames fan. In other words... Don't trade Luongo for anything less than an amazing outlandish trade.

But there is one saying Canucks fans have been accustomed to, "Well there's always next year."

Consumer Responsibilty...
Recently there has been protest against the Summer Olympics. I've made some inquires and gathered some information about China and what is going on there. Peacefully I agree with protest. Done in a manner that is peaceful and thoughtful. Trying to disturb the passing of the torch from nation to nation and using hateful words is not the way to go. But maybe being educated in why and what is going on. I have decided to more conscience of what I buy. speaks about what is going with our money and how it empowers a government. I don't want to just look at China itself and I'm not talking about the people, but the people in charge. Those with political influence and those of us who have a choice to make a conscience one. Where does our money go and how can we be responsiblie? Do we as North American profit from the welfare of those who work in forced labour camps? I am still learning myself, but I know we need to be more conscience of what we purchase. Importantly for human rights issues, but also as a enviromental issue. How many starbuck coffee cups do we throw out in a year? Plastic bags we use and throw away for that single cd you bought. How many things do we purchase and realize that it was really not needed? This includes me, but we all need to make a diffrence in our power to purchase things or not to purchase. Lets make the smallest ecological footprint in this world as individuals and make the biggest positive impact in the lives of people.

to be continued....

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