Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Feels like home

I awoke to the sound of my alarm. It's 7:30am on my first of two days off. It's quite early since last night I spent the night playing Poker with my brother and Justin who is visiting from Vancouver. It was like old times. To add I've never seen my brother chase circles in his head wondering weather or not I raised or called pre-flop or not. It was a glorious feeling to see him so scattered brained trying to figure out if I had the cards or not.

* an aside: Good poker players will bet to put the other player to make a decision for all his/her chips. Forcing them to make that decision is hard and ultimately make them fold.

This morning I drove Justin to the car rental shop at the airport. He was driving to Edmonton for work purposes. He's visiting us as well as doing some business up north. I had time on my hands. So I decided to take a bit of a detour instead of turning back home.

The air is much cooler now in Calgary. I take a look at my weather widget and it tells me it's 15 with a high of 18 and a low of 6. Possible showers sometime during the day. I don't know if I've mentioned this, but it feels like summer has left us and all we have now is the suns light to remind us that it was once here. But the air is cool now and the breeze carries a soft whisper of fall. Something I quite welcome, but I hesitate cause I know it's only going to bring along the way the harsh call of winter. But nonetheless I am really excited for the fall.

As I drove home with my window all the way down. Hoodie in tow and my music bumping to the latest 50 cent feat Jt track. I could smell the familiarities of home. I can't really explain but I will try in this web log (blog, I just leared where blog came from). Certain smells, moments, places, occurances take you back to a time where you feel comfortable, safe and at peace. As the crisp cool air and the smell of fall around the corner brought me from being unsteady, to steady and rattled to still. Lately I've been coming to grips of my struggle to feel confident in what kind of cards that have been delt to me. But I once heards awhile back "don't blame anyone for the cards that were dealt to you, but it's how you play those cards that were dealt to you, that will determine your destiny". But in this August morning I feel inspried to be at peace for now and I will enjoy this moment. As should you if you are still reading this.

I realize that I don't ever want to take for granted the things I love most. Because when you do, you miss it so much more.

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