Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Poland 4 days in...

I have finally made time to post. 11:36pm on a wednesday evening in Krakow. Our 10 hour flight over wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The flight went well and the lay over in Frankfurt was nothing we couldn't handle. Being able to step out for a few hours in Frankfurt was a nice surprise. Almost missing our flight to Krakow would of been a story to tell but thats one of many stories I'll leavethat out. I'm just thankful that the pilot was nice enough to be delayed 10 mins.

Krakow is a amazing sight. I'm quite speechless. The architecture and the old structures that have stood the test of time is quite surreal. Standing in the square and seeing all the things that are around me and being in the enviroment I am in. I still cannot believe I am in Europe. This is my first time to Europe and hopefully not the last.

To be surrounded by people who aren't speaking your language, signs that I cannot read and traffic norms that are completely diffrent from what you are use to, really streaches your comfort zone.

But I allow for all of it to be a great experience. There is so much to learn and digest and the 2 weeks here will do no justice to it. But I hope in the next following days I continue to embrace what I have come to love here in Krakow. I almost don't want to go home and just continue this journey. 10 more days....

I stand in the square of old town, Krakow
Not knowing the full history that surrounds me
But it capture me
Knowing that the steps I take
were once taken by makers of history
Culutres, traditions and art encompass my thoughts
as I catch glimpses
What a sight to see, I wish you could see
Tommorow we are back exploring.

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