Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Anonymous said... Part 2

Anonymous said...
"I see now that comments must be approved by you... afraid of harsh comments being spread. You are a joke."

And so the saga continues and this person seems comfortable to hide behind there anonymity. Comments now have to be approved by me and are sent to my email first. It seems that this person is quite irate at the fact that he or she cannot just spam me with hateful comments. I'll continue to approve your comments regardless of your hateful words. It's more of a joke that you waste your time leaving comments that don't benefit you or me. Try something more resourceful and something I can actually think about. If you are someone I know; I must of done something to you to invoke such comments. And would like to resolve what ever issues you have with me. If you are a complete stranger, you are just wasting your time. I have no need in making new enemies I have never known. It's possible that you might of stumbled on my blog site because of the vastness of the World Wide Web and someone just pissed in your cornflakes the morning you stumbled on my blog during your mundane life. But I highly doubt it. I have my suspicion on who this person is, but in all likelihood I will never find out and comfortable with that. The challenge is still on my Anonymous friend. Reveal yourself and come to grips you have some serious issues with me. If not, the owness is on you. I will continue to live my life and blog the way I feel because of who I am.

On the lighter side of life: (some one liners)
  • World Juniors "Go Canada Go!"
  • Christmas is over: YAHOO!
  • 2007 - A new year, a new chapter to write
  • Market Mall on Boxing Day - Cars parked all over the place

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Let me know when Christmas is over

Before I go to bed I thought I might post some random thoughts. My winamp playlist is spinning the most non Christmas themed music. I've got nothing hung up near my room or in my room to remind me of Christmas and up until Tuesday I've avoided with succession the mall. But after a meeting with the Dyron at the local Starbucks at Glenmore landing. I decided that a quick visit to the mall might be a good way to kill sometime before I had to go and do some emerge stuff at school. BAD IDEA! If I couldn't be label more of a Grinch then I am already. I've decided at around 1pm on a sunny Tuesday afternoon that I officially hate Christmas. It is official people I completely and utterly hate Christmas. Yes I know hate is a harsh word. But I've got to use the word. I usually hate using the word hate, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. (Yew... I've used it twice in one sentence) But there is no way to describe how I feel more than that.

I walked around the mall hitting up the usual shopping destinations. I browse amongst the crowd and did a bit of people watching. I trampled and squished all these fries that covered the food court floor. I chuckled out loud, as I let out a big YUCK sound amongst the lineup in front of the A&W lineup. But I realize amidst all the people, the shopping and the fake facade of the holiday spirit that will last up until midnight of December 25th. Because you know as soon as boxing day hits, people will forget the politeness of the spirit of Christmas and spew F U's, because they thought they owned that freaking parking spot at Market Mall. I am sick of the material part of Christmas, the "you have to be happy cause its the happiest time of the year" attitude and what bugs me the most is the question that everyone asks and even I fall victim to it at times just so I can use it during small talk. "So what are you doing for Christmas?" Well let me tell you I'm going to sail the cook islands and then find a remote beach plant my Christmas tree build a fire and spend time with the local unwrapping gifts and singing Christmas songs... I'm going to dinner, get full, spend some time with family and go to bed early so I can work and feed the need to those who need to go grocery shopping on boxing day. (F!!!!)

You can call me bitter. You can call me the GRINCH. You can call me what you want. Maybe an idiot? (I'm still waiting anonymous) Just let me know when Christmas is over... Cause I can't wait to get back to the old grind. There are far better things to look forward to for me. And one of them is not Christmas.

Peace y'all. I hope you all enjoy your Christmas. I will to a extent. See ya in the new year.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Anonymous said...

I invite all comments to be posted under all my blogs. Blogger gives the option for us bloggers to let those who cannot be identified to post as well. So I decided to open it to the general public. So I get my first comment on my new blog space.

Anonymous said...
you are unbelievable. you put your heart out there in hopes of something to happen, and buddy, guess what... it wont. stop acting like an idiot.
I've been taught never to write or say anything without signing my name or identifying myself. Your words have less respectablity and value when you don't sign your name at the end of your statement or any piece of document.
I respect your comment anonymous, but I consider your words to be cowardice. To call me an idiot, will not affect the way I feel. I open myself and my heart to comments and criticism. Good and Bad. But for you to judge the way I feel is simply a reflection of where you are at. I challenge you to identify yourself and take ownership of your words.

iPod Shuffle: "Put some music on"

see it here
Can you guest what I want for Christmas? I just saw the new commercial for the new shuffle by mac and I must say I am very impressed. I've done my research and I believe that there are $89 reasons why I should buy one. But if you are reading this and are for some reason feeling generous. I say carpe Diem and go with your feelings. Luke Skywalker did and look at the results.

I've been really contemplating joining the ranks of all the ipod users out there. My brother got one for his birthday. The new Nano. Dave B has one and was going to sell his to me, but wise decisions by me decided to wait. One of my professors, Dr. Gary Lepine got one and so do the Kempers. Stacey's got one, my friend Tim has got a shuffle and at that time, I was given a Sony mp3 player from my boss back in BC as a going away present. But I have no clue where it has gone. I've been surrounded by the mac world and would now like one for myself.

I really like the slogan that they are using to push there item: "Put some music on" They literally mean put it on yourself. 1.62 inches long and half an ounce means you can put it on your lapel, sleeve, belt, wherever the clip will clip on to you. The 1GB shuffle can hold up to 240 songs, which to me is ample amount. I was thinking that I would need the extra storage to hold albums, but who am I kidding, I'm no DJ, but to myself. In the age of LIMEWIRE PRO ... and downloading the new song to top your friends last discovery. You always want to change your play list. So I can live with 240 songs.

But what will those 240 songs be dedicated to. Lately I've been thinking about the "Art of letting go". How do people cope and move on from something that has ended? How do people get through when the sun doesn't shine as bright? How do we grieve and how do we say this is enough? How do you mend broken pieces of the heart? So in the art of letting go, I've decided to look to music. Put some music on. Listen and take the time to mope, sing your heart out when no one is around and let some of the people who have gone through such heart ache teach you a couple things through their lyrics.

(This next paragraph is going to be vague so I don't expect anyone of you readers to even understand)

I want to let go and say goodbye. A part of me has ended and a part of her has too. There are pieces to salvage and possibly hold on to for the future. But who knows but God, when those pieces could be used again if ever. But through music I can grieve, let others sing out what my heart bleeds. And in the midst of this sorrow, I'll find relief through the songs I sing.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas woes & yahoos! Today I ate in the lunch room and I ate my feelings.

The storm is finally finished and I am in the homestretch of the '06 year. Semester one of Year 2 of my Bachelor of Theology adventure is done. I really don't know how I got through it all. Not one single paper or assignment handed in late. I can't admit that all of the assignments I handed in were given full effort but my grades should reflect how lucky I am or how blessed I am to have such gracious professors.

The Christmas Holiday is finally upon us. Students have treked home for the holidays. Some have left for distant vacations spots like the Dominican Repubic or gone home to Africa (I wish sometimes i was a missionary kid). I have no destination but work. Work, work, work. I am reminded of Proverbs 6:4 "Give no sleep to your eyes, Nor slumber to your eyelids" (NASB) I have decided to fill this down time before the new semester with work. Most people after a storm would rather rest and take refuge in a little bit of couch surfing. But I have taken it upon myself to work right through till the first day of semester 2.

As for Christmas, it is a time to rejoice and "come and adore thee". But for me, I've never in my twenty five years of exsistence desire to have Christmas. Maybe when I was seven and desired to have the nintento that every kid on the block had before I did. But to my recollection, I cannot remember a time that I ever wanted Christmas like some of my peers were openly expressing. But I think that Christmas is embraced by two diffrent kinds of people. The kind of people that can't wait for Christmas to get here and wish it never left. And the other type of person who can't wait for the tinsel to just disappear and let the pop Christmas music to fade into oblivion.

I fall with the woes of Christmas. I've never enjoyed it and I don't know if I ever will? I have had my moments but never lasting and impacting moments that I would want to recreate every year. It will be hard to get through these next few weeks. I will welcome the grind of school again. Some would say I'm crazy to say that. But I will enjoy the few moments of air I have for now. But I'm looking forward to getting back on the grinding stone.