Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Anonymous said... Part 2

Anonymous said...
"I see now that comments must be approved by you... afraid of harsh comments being spread. You are a joke."

And so the saga continues and this person seems comfortable to hide behind there anonymity. Comments now have to be approved by me and are sent to my email first. It seems that this person is quite irate at the fact that he or she cannot just spam me with hateful comments. I'll continue to approve your comments regardless of your hateful words. It's more of a joke that you waste your time leaving comments that don't benefit you or me. Try something more resourceful and something I can actually think about. If you are someone I know; I must of done something to you to invoke such comments. And would like to resolve what ever issues you have with me. If you are a complete stranger, you are just wasting your time. I have no need in making new enemies I have never known. It's possible that you might of stumbled on my blog site because of the vastness of the World Wide Web and someone just pissed in your cornflakes the morning you stumbled on my blog during your mundane life. But I highly doubt it. I have my suspicion on who this person is, but in all likelihood I will never find out and comfortable with that. The challenge is still on my Anonymous friend. Reveal yourself and come to grips you have some serious issues with me. If not, the owness is on you. I will continue to live my life and blog the way I feel because of who I am.

On the lighter side of life: (some one liners)
  • World Juniors "Go Canada Go!"
  • Christmas is over: YAHOO!
  • 2007 - A new year, a new chapter to write
  • Market Mall on Boxing Day - Cars parked all over the place

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