Sunday, December 17, 2006

Anonymous said...

I invite all comments to be posted under all my blogs. Blogger gives the option for us bloggers to let those who cannot be identified to post as well. So I decided to open it to the general public. So I get my first comment on my new blog space.

Anonymous said...
you are unbelievable. you put your heart out there in hopes of something to happen, and buddy, guess what... it wont. stop acting like an idiot.
I've been taught never to write or say anything without signing my name or identifying myself. Your words have less respectablity and value when you don't sign your name at the end of your statement or any piece of document.
I respect your comment anonymous, but I consider your words to be cowardice. To call me an idiot, will not affect the way I feel. I open myself and my heart to comments and criticism. Good and Bad. But for you to judge the way I feel is simply a reflection of where you are at. I challenge you to identify yourself and take ownership of your words.

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