Sunday, December 17, 2006

iPod Shuffle: "Put some music on"

see it here
Can you guest what I want for Christmas? I just saw the new commercial for the new shuffle by mac and I must say I am very impressed. I've done my research and I believe that there are $89 reasons why I should buy one. But if you are reading this and are for some reason feeling generous. I say carpe Diem and go with your feelings. Luke Skywalker did and look at the results.

I've been really contemplating joining the ranks of all the ipod users out there. My brother got one for his birthday. The new Nano. Dave B has one and was going to sell his to me, but wise decisions by me decided to wait. One of my professors, Dr. Gary Lepine got one and so do the Kempers. Stacey's got one, my friend Tim has got a shuffle and at that time, I was given a Sony mp3 player from my boss back in BC as a going away present. But I have no clue where it has gone. I've been surrounded by the mac world and would now like one for myself.

I really like the slogan that they are using to push there item: "Put some music on" They literally mean put it on yourself. 1.62 inches long and half an ounce means you can put it on your lapel, sleeve, belt, wherever the clip will clip on to you. The 1GB shuffle can hold up to 240 songs, which to me is ample amount. I was thinking that I would need the extra storage to hold albums, but who am I kidding, I'm no DJ, but to myself. In the age of LIMEWIRE PRO ... and downloading the new song to top your friends last discovery. You always want to change your play list. So I can live with 240 songs.

But what will those 240 songs be dedicated to. Lately I've been thinking about the "Art of letting go". How do people cope and move on from something that has ended? How do people get through when the sun doesn't shine as bright? How do we grieve and how do we say this is enough? How do you mend broken pieces of the heart? So in the art of letting go, I've decided to look to music. Put some music on. Listen and take the time to mope, sing your heart out when no one is around and let some of the people who have gone through such heart ache teach you a couple things through their lyrics.

(This next paragraph is going to be vague so I don't expect anyone of you readers to even understand)

I want to let go and say goodbye. A part of me has ended and a part of her has too. There are pieces to salvage and possibly hold on to for the future. But who knows but God, when those pieces could be used again if ever. But through music I can grieve, let others sing out what my heart bleeds. And in the midst of this sorrow, I'll find relief through the songs I sing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are unbelievable. you put your heart out there in hopes of something to happen, and buddy, guess what... it wont. stop acting like an idiot.