Thursday, March 29, 2007

Having fun in the Mud


I've always looked at playing in the mud as something you do as a child. As an adult playing in the mud seems like a whole lot of cleaning and nonsense. But kids do it all the time and parents at times let their little ones do so. In my case, our spring ministry team from ABC went out to Clyde, AB to spend 5 days having fun in the mud.

As I sit back and reflect back on my trip with the team (Jordan K, Aaron P, Corwin F, Linda S & Leah M.) The feeling I have right now is probably as close I will get till I become a father. I am so very proud and astatic of what a wonderful job they did there in Clyde. All praise goes to God for the tangible rewards and the intangible rewards that came along the way in 5 days we spent there. They got dirty, they welcome the stretches in their comfort zones and persevered when pushed. As the leader they made my job easy to do. I am so very proud to have lead a team that grew, sought out God in challenging times and modeled Christ attitude. God took a good mix of personalities and pushed and pulled to make them united. I give all credit to God for this trip and experience and I know that each individual will come out of it as a better person for it.

Something I will always remember because of the trip & Aaron Patton:

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!"
(Rocky Balboa)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Canuck Blog

mo vs flames

74 games played, 45 wins, 96 pts, 8 more games to go till the post season...

I can't imagine a better NHL season for my Vancouver Canucks. Fans around the league call Canuck fans dreamers. That we think of the most outlandish trades and pickups and to some extent they are correct. All we have as fans to our credentials is that we went to the cup finals in 94 and lost in game 7 to New york. I was 12 the day the Nucks lost that game. And it's been 13 years since that day. Fast forward 13 years and now the Canucks are in position to birth a playoff spot. In October, sports analyst predicted the Canucks to finish 10th in the west and to miss the playoffs the second time in a row. Newly aquired Roberto Luongo would have to wait another year till he got a taste of the playoffs. At present the Canucks are 6 pts out of top spot in the west and have one of the best team records since Christmas. Canada's hottest team right now and if I heard correctly one of the TSN analyst said that they may have to choose the Canucks as the best Canadian team to have a chance at winning the cup(Post a 2-0 win vs Nashville). But whos kidding who, any team in the playoffs has a decent chance at winning the cup.

All season the Canucks have been riding the coat tails of Bobby Lou(Roberto Luongo). MVP Chants have been cheered at GM PLACE and the NHL Buzz is that Brodeur & Crosby are the other leading canadiates for the Hart trophy. The Sedins have step up and their amazing puck posession play has dazzled spectators. Surprisingly even if Captain Markus Naslund has been a dismal impact. His leadership in the room and integrity to keep morale up probably rubs off other players.

As the Canucks countdown and play the rest of the remaining games. This Canuck fan stranded on a island in the C of Red is just excited to how deep into the playoffs they can go. It's been awhile since Canucks fans can really rally around a goaltender since Kirk Mclean.

Am I a dreamer? Yes.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Suffering for my passion

pas•sion noun
1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling
2. (Theology) the sufferings of Christ on the cross or
His sufferings subsequent to the Last Supper.

Lately I've been reflecting. I've been doing some soul searching. What prompted this? I don't know. But I've been asking myself this one question, "Why am I at Bible College?" Why am I doing this? What is it that drives me everyday? What makes me believe this is what I am to do? 2 years from now I am suppose to graduate with a bachelors of Theology, God willing. From there on I begin in some sort of ministry that calls people into a relationship with God, helps direct peoples lives according to Gods word and even teach and preach his word.

Now I'm not counting my eggs before they hit the basket. But that seems like that's the plan. Is it my passion? Do I feel compelled emotionally, mentally and physically passionate about Gods plan for me and for those who surround me?

You just can't fake being a Pastor, minister, ministry leader. There' s no way around it. Your life will be examined, pulled, shredded from top to bottom. You've got to live a life that is set apart, standing in the gap when people need help, direction, comfort, to rejoice and to mourn with as well. Your heart must be soft, but strong to take on criticism. An attitude of a servant, humble and quick not to respond. God calls all his children to go against what sin has marred, but how much more for a leader in his church?

Can I endure such a calling?

I know this much, my passion to see lives transformed through Gods grace. Especially the lives of teens and young adults is something I cannot put into words. It is overwhelming to witness a person who was onced a closed universe from God... open their heart, trust and faith come crashing into their lives and opens a whole new universe/life ready to be discovered with Christ. It is simply amazing ... Can my passion simply be enough to fullfill my calling?

Christ passion was to suffer for all and endure what was before Him. All that I am to suffer for my passion relies on the strength of Christ. Take your passion before Him. According to His will and make it complete within his grip of grace.

I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus Christ has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24

Monday, March 19, 2007

#9570 Route 58 Rocky Ridge

Today was the first time in about a year that I've taken the Calgary Transit. I don't know if this is the first of many times. But I'm as content as I will ever be. After work I headed out to the bus stop that sits right in front of the Sobeys sign. It wasn't the best day for bus riding. But beggers can't be choosers. I stood close to the bus shelther. Shielding me from the wind that probably made it -10. The poster that was enclosed on the shelther made me laugh. And all I could do was laugh. It was an advertisement for the kidney foundation. A big yellow sign asking you to donate your car to the foundation. Was it a kick in the pants? Maybe. But I decided to just laugh it up and laugh in light of my transporation situation.

Life is like a box of chocolate... You never know what you're gonna get. Lately life keeps throwing me into a tailspin. Trying to adjust and steer back onto the straight and narrow. Riding the bus is just one of them. And you might think how shallow that might be. And maybe this is quite a shallow situation I am in and you might say that I just need to suck it up. Which I am doing. But regardless of how small or how big your life situations be. Remember your creator.

I don't if I've blog about facebook or not and I'm too lazy to go down memory lane. But I just love how facebook can keep track of your comments, blogs(notes), status etc. I know you can limit all of this through your privacy settings ... but wheres the fun in that? All my friends, college mates and facebook fans have taken a liking(addiction) to this new internet community. Love it or hate it. I do both.

NHL Northwest Division: More ups and downs than a see saw.
As of right now the Canucks(My beloved) are atop of the Northwest. The Wild follow by one point and The Flames are 8 back. The surging Avs are 4 back of the slumping Flames. And the Oilers are just waiting for next season. My comments will be limited, due to what could happen and where the chips may fall. But here are my one liner what ifs:
  • What if the Avs catch the Flames?
  • What if the Flames miss the playoffs?
  • What if the Avs make a run for the cup?
  • What if this slump is what the Flames need to wake up?
  • What if the Canucks win the division? (my two cents the were predicted to miss the playoffs)

Other NHL News: Jordan Tootoo Gets 5 Game

I really dislike this guy and that punch on Robidas was brutal. In light of all the violence Hockey has produce. Do their brains turn into mush when they hit the ice?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

When it rains it pours

I could be wrong, I could be ready
But if I take my heart's advice
I should assume it's still unsteady
I am in repair - John Mayer

I've lost my inspiration. Just like water turned to vapor, my words depart from my mouth. The western sun shines bright, clouds part and again the snow begins to melt. I should take a walk. Take in the fresh air and look down the path to better days. But as the rain pours, you can only see the cluster of water that collects at your window, you feel the soaked socks on the tip of your toes and you begin to smell the damp air that lingers like a ghost you can't seem to let go. The tiny hairs down the side of my forearm begin to stand tall as the cold draft of this March night takes its place. I can't believe its midnight, it came too fast.

So as the rain continues to pour I will continue to pray. Because if there is something I've learned from the Pacific Sun is that "It can't rain all the time".

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The future looks bright

The Vancouver Canucks are having a "Ultimate Canuck" fan contest. You can submit videos, photos to prove that you are a the "Ultimate Canuck". This makes me happy and shes so cute.

Monday, March 5, 2007

I'm in a Damien Rice kinda mood


I posted a blog earlier but decided I was unhappy with the post. I've got my emo playlist playing off of my itunes. Damien Rice - 9 Crimes. I just found out that Damien Rice will be visiting Vancouver, BC in April. I'm pretty chap about that one. I really wanna see him live and Lisa Hannigan.

I've posted on my facebook status that I've been pondering to sleep for a 100 years. I am so tired. I hope to recover soon from the weekend. But I don't know when I will get the chance to just sit and rest. Emerge[07] Amazing Race: Wisdom Edition was an overall success. The open house at school has come and gone, but the impact of the students I will never know. I will never the little stories, but I know that God really put us through an experience I will not forget. But I do know that from the weekend I got a lot of encouragement out of it. God really spoke to me and it's been awhile. I've been refreshed and lifted. Be thou my vision ... in the midst of struggle, joy, rejoicing, saddness, brokeness ... be thou my vision. I've got a lot of room in my heart and I want to fill it with what God has for me. I want that love to be overflowing and used to invest in others. Although I've got cracks and heartache, I know that I can still be used and I can be an impact to those who surround me.

I am grateful
... and blessed to have supporting friends. I don't know what I would do without them. I am simply grateful.

What's next?
AFHL playoffs are next month, YC: Edmonton, Clyde, Wide Awake

thoughts cross my mind
so I simply breath a prayer
that you don't lose your way