Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Suffering for my passion

pas•sion noun
1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling
2. (Theology) the sufferings of Christ on the cross or
His sufferings subsequent to the Last Supper.

Lately I've been reflecting. I've been doing some soul searching. What prompted this? I don't know. But I've been asking myself this one question, "Why am I at Bible College?" Why am I doing this? What is it that drives me everyday? What makes me believe this is what I am to do? 2 years from now I am suppose to graduate with a bachelors of Theology, God willing. From there on I begin in some sort of ministry that calls people into a relationship with God, helps direct peoples lives according to Gods word and even teach and preach his word.

Now I'm not counting my eggs before they hit the basket. But that seems like that's the plan. Is it my passion? Do I feel compelled emotionally, mentally and physically passionate about Gods plan for me and for those who surround me?

You just can't fake being a Pastor, minister, ministry leader. There' s no way around it. Your life will be examined, pulled, shredded from top to bottom. You've got to live a life that is set apart, standing in the gap when people need help, direction, comfort, to rejoice and to mourn with as well. Your heart must be soft, but strong to take on criticism. An attitude of a servant, humble and quick not to respond. God calls all his children to go against what sin has marred, but how much more for a leader in his church?

Can I endure such a calling?

I know this much, my passion to see lives transformed through Gods grace. Especially the lives of teens and young adults is something I cannot put into words. It is overwhelming to witness a person who was onced a closed universe from God... open their heart, trust and faith come crashing into their lives and opens a whole new universe/life ready to be discovered with Christ. It is simply amazing ... Can my passion simply be enough to fullfill my calling?

Christ passion was to suffer for all and endure what was before Him. All that I am to suffer for my passion relies on the strength of Christ. Take your passion before Him. According to His will and make it complete within his grip of grace.

I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus Christ has given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24

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