Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day Three: T3 would be perfection

Day 3: Road to recovery...

The annoying pain is still there. I awoke with a headache. I can only think it's because of the throbbing pain of the swollen gums. I upped my dosage of Tylenol 3's today to two. I really didn't want to. Because T3 are laced with codeine which is a narcotic. I was a little apprehensive due to the fact that I use to see patients walk into the clinic begging for a prescription. They can be addictive. But man did the double dose really take the pain away. Every six hours I have to take my antibiotic to avoid any infection. So along with that I take a Ibuprofen and a T3. But the second and third round of T3's I just took one today. I just really needed for the pain to go away this morning.

So the swelling is better. I think? Tomorrow I've got to go back to work. I've got to face the public with this face. I almost feel like Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky. But regardless, this will pass too.

I'm a little disgruntled at the fact that I missed a lot of the sunny weather that has been kickin around Calgary. I've lived like a hermit for the last 3 days.

Movies over the weekend (out of five)

The Unknown 2.5 - A typical who dun it.
The King 2.5 - A disturbing/thriller
The Painted Veil 3 - I quite enjoyed this film
Breaking and entering 2 - Jude Law is the same in every movie he does.

Currently listening to -
Amy Winehouse - Rehab remix feat Jay Z
Brooke Fraser - Albertine
Hawksley Workman - You are too beautiful
Tokyo Police Club - Citizens of tomorrow

On the tube -
Smallville Season finale - I actually saw this on the web. But it was a amazing finale. can't wait for season 7

Well I guess that's all the self advertising for now. Back to work tomorrow.

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