Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Facebook the dating game, Voice Imodulation

Just some quick thoughts...

I was talking to a friend about how funny it is that people on facebook so quickly update their relationship status on their profile. "Shooter Magee and Sarah Lee are now in a relationship". If it's on facebook it's official. "Hey world and all my network friends I'm not single anymore." As I type this I'm thinking I might get a few comments posted for maybe being jealous that I myself cannot update my status on facebook. "Go right ahead" but I'm completely alright with that. And take no offence to this post/thought either. But I think it is quite amusing at the fact that once you have changed your profile status it has truly become official.

Recently I was browsing the Youtube site looking for videos on Brooke Fraser.

Brooke on some tv show:

Interviews, music videos etc. One particular video was of this guy sitting in his room covering "Deciphering me" by Brooke.

See it here:

He made this mock video of him filming himself and other various shots of his pictures, him in the bathroom (God knows why) and random footage. Lately I've been playing some mean guitar looking for some inspiration, imitating my latest and favorite rock artist. And I thought, "people film themselves a lot and post'em on Youtube, why can't I?" So I decided to just play a couple songs, record them and see how it sounds.

Bad idea.

You know how you listen to a recording of yourself on a answering machine? And your first thought is "That's not how my voice sounds like." Well what I hear through my ears when I'm singing is not what I heard on the recording I made. I was disgusted.

This is what the American and Canadian Idol judges are thinking when they ask the auditioners if they can hear themselves singing and actually think the are good.

My voice to me sounds when I hear it. But on a recording it's terrible. I don't know if I can sing in public again ... dun dun dun!

Today: I got a haircut. I don't know if I'll ever be content after I get a hair cut.

1 comment:

Deedee B. said...

hilarious post. hahaha. i feel the same way when i record myself and hear the playback ;P i haven't checked brooke out yet, although i will. have you heard of esmee denters? the girl JT signed to his recording label? if you haven't check her out on youtube. she's good and goodlooking haha (but too young for you mark!) i think i'm going to get a haircut today! dale isn't too thrilled.