Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Weekends - The Perishers

I know sometimes people look at your past and know exactly how you are going to be. The apple never falls far from the tree. But I will never be like you. Some nights I lay awake wishing I was and always on my own. Because you have a made me a shadow with nothing to follow. Laying cheek down on the cold kitchen floor. Resting, exhausted from all the arguing and pointless conversation under our breath. I am not restrained from who I am or who I have grown up to be. I am someone new. Reborn. Never looking to the past as a crutch, "This is who I am and this is all I will ever be." No thats not me. I will never be you. I sometimes mutter words of hate and selfless thought. It creeps up like a lion after its prey. I slowly combust and I stand left to pick up the pieces after I slowly burn away. I don't know if it will ever change. But I will change and vow never to be like you. There is an exit and I'm going to take it.

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