Monday, March 5, 2007

I'm in a Damien Rice kinda mood


I posted a blog earlier but decided I was unhappy with the post. I've got my emo playlist playing off of my itunes. Damien Rice - 9 Crimes. I just found out that Damien Rice will be visiting Vancouver, BC in April. I'm pretty chap about that one. I really wanna see him live and Lisa Hannigan.

I've posted on my facebook status that I've been pondering to sleep for a 100 years. I am so tired. I hope to recover soon from the weekend. But I don't know when I will get the chance to just sit and rest. Emerge[07] Amazing Race: Wisdom Edition was an overall success. The open house at school has come and gone, but the impact of the students I will never know. I will never the little stories, but I know that God really put us through an experience I will not forget. But I do know that from the weekend I got a lot of encouragement out of it. God really spoke to me and it's been awhile. I've been refreshed and lifted. Be thou my vision ... in the midst of struggle, joy, rejoicing, saddness, brokeness ... be thou my vision. I've got a lot of room in my heart and I want to fill it with what God has for me. I want that love to be overflowing and used to invest in others. Although I've got cracks and heartache, I know that I can still be used and I can be an impact to those who surround me.

I am grateful
... and blessed to have supporting friends. I don't know what I would do without them. I am simply grateful.

What's next?
AFHL playoffs are next month, YC: Edmonton, Clyde, Wide Awake

thoughts cross my mind
so I simply breath a prayer
that you don't lose your way

1 comment:

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

Glad to hear how Emerge affected you! I'm thankful that you were a part of the weekend !!!

So what's on your emo playlist?