Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Delicate: The Human heart

My blog tonight will probably make no sense and I might even be guilty for a little attention. But there's only one thing that usually gets me through heart issues ... and that's by writing.

Today this morning I took the advice of a Shepard and lay it all out. I decided to choose to let the Shepard lead the way; mind, body(heart) and soul. It's something that has helped me dictate the way my day should go. Leave what was in the past behind and look to the new horizon before me. It's been one year to this day and up until this point you have been a ghost. I've been praying that you're okay. That things are going well and just maybe you might miss me just like I've missed you. I got my answer tonight. You called, you left your message. I was surprised and now I'm in a tailspin. But tomorrow I'm going to wake. Watch the shadow of the Shepard and follow and decide to choose to win my heart back in your hands.

My heart is delicate, made just like everyone else's. My heart just has a few more weathered cracks than everyone else's.

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