Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Say Goodbye, Say Hello.

I've been struggling to write a new blog post for awhile. It's come to this and hopefully I can put something down worth reading or at least to satisfy my need to write.

Say goodbye to 2006 and say hello to 2007. I'm glad that the holidays are over. People have returned to normal. The spirit of Christmas didn't last long and the attitude of the mundane lifestyle is back on. This was the first Christmas where I didn't have to go to any parties, family dinners, beside my immediate family dinner/lunch or do any Christmas orientated activities. I did get my Christmas wish though. The Ipod shuffle that I wanted came a day after boxing day. No real deal, but Christmas money made it possible for me to "Put on some music".

Where is the good in goodbye? There is a lot to say goodbye to as I reflect back on 2006. I completed my first year of college at the age of twenty five. I travelled western Canada for 2 months with 4 others; from Yellowknife, NWT to Lumby, BC. I saw another Northwest Team go to the Stanley Cup finals (I was seriously cheering for the oilers). K-Fed was Fed Ex by Britney (I believe in marriage and for what it stands for, but you knew this marriage was doomed to begin with). I was a Video store Clerk, Cook @ Montana's and now I am back to my Green leaf defender ways again. I witnessed and was a part of my two best friends weddings. Congrats Dale/Deeds & Dru/Cheryl ... Happy Marriage. I can't recall much from my memory fatigue is setting in.

As I look forward to 2007 I am really hoping, HOPING for a refreshing start. I'm not making any resolutions, because those are just promises made to be broken. But I'm gonna continue to be honest about who I am, be real about my feelings, and bite my tongue all at the same time. I'm gonna try. Try is the key there. But I know as I look forward to this new year. I know I will always have my eyes on the rear view mirror. Because for me I can't forget the past. Because the past will help you to make a better future.

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