Thursday, January 11, 2007

I want to collide

I don't know where this will go or how my words will form. I just got back from our floor hockey league and I feel exhausted. So preseason concluded today and the debut of the Whalers was a nice start. We came out flying not use to the new hockey surroundings, the floor was slick, the ball didn't feel the same and our lungs didn't match our excitement. We came out of the night with 2 wins and 1 loss. Jeff played outstanding as the rest of the team are trying to find its chemistry between linemates. The regular season starts next Thursday and the Whalers are going to have a bright future in the AFHL. I scored a Goal in our third game. Not bad, not bad.

First week of the 2nd semester is almost done. Two more classes tommorow and off to the weekend. I'm waiting on Campbell-Stone Church to approve my application for the new Youth Worker postion I applied for. The Canucks loss tonight and my back is killing me.

After dropping the boys off at home, I had a long ride home. The cold air was killer, but I had my window down and the heater was on full blast. I put in the David Crowder B side Cd and listen to "A Beautiful Collision - Bside mix".

So courageous until now
Fumbling and scared
So afraid You'll find me out,
Alone here with my doubt
Here it comes, a beautiful collision
Is happening now.
There seems no end to where You begin and there I am now
You and I collide

Because of where I'm at, because of how I feel ... I just want to collapse. I just want to cave in and submit. I've become so numb that sometimes I feel like a empty shell. But listening to this song (mind you I've heard this song many times over), I realize if I'm going to hit ground zero. I want to collide with the one who created me. Because, I know that when I collide with the Almighty I have no chance to survive this collision. I have no where to hide my feelings, who I am or what my fears are. He knows it all. I'll be found out. I'll shatter, but He can put me back together. I want to collide. I want a Beautiful Collision.

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